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PUMA launches new VELVET ROPE series
Swan Pack spring 2017 Swan series after the successful launch of the world famous sports brand PUMA, recently invited Kylie? Jenna (Kylie Jenner) and the New York City Ballet dancers to speak a new Velvet Rope series, with Liu Wen and Zhang Yuqi together from different dimensions of interpretation reveal the true of my female attitude. Inspired by the velvet rope, this season's design represents the dividing line between the spotlight and the crowd - waiting in place, or standing out and bursting with confidence, and it's up to you.

Kylie? Jenna and New York City Ballet dancers together through the Velvet Rope series show "you" (DO YOU) the attitude of the essence, combined with Liu Wen and Zhang Yuqi jointly launched the release of nature, to show the charm of women's fashion. By wearing this season's single product, PUMA aims to inspire women, boldly break the bonds, stick to themselves, and discover the best in themselves.

's Velvet Rope, which is full of technological innovations, will appear in the PUMA sports, leisure and training series of single products to help women confidently cope with challenges. The inspiration for this series is a combination of sporty and cutting-edge fashion: elements filled with autumn flowers, metallic tones, olive green, copper, sea blue and silver. The minimalist silhouette is both stylish and effective in providing athletic support. From sturdy Lycra to soft velvet, a variety of textures allow women to show their charisma throughout the day.
Velvet Rope series fully embodies the new woman spirit launched by PUMA since August 2016, "you are so" global marketing activities. "You" under the banner of gathered from many different areas of the charm of women, they were told to "you" understand as a brave and confident story inspired many women. "That's what you're doing," designed to encourage women to prove themselves without questioning other people.

2017 fall winter Velvet Rope series will be on August 1st, in the PUMA official website, cn.puma.com, PUMA stores, as well as designated retail stores worldwide synchronization offering.

want to know more about the product story, please pay attention to PUMA official website and official micro-blog and WeChat.

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